
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bun2 Order...

Neh bun...Pesenan bunda dah jadi...Hehehehehehehe...


Thursday, September 23, 2010

dear Aiiah...

Happy Birthday aii...

bunda mendoakan yg terbaik bwt aiiah... ^^

(bwt Qta jg)...


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Sun

Without taking a break...
Never tired , never bored...
And no complaints...
Always brighten the world...

Giving life to the earth...
Blessing us with its warm ray...
And never exhausted...
Shining endlessly...

Such a honorable star...
Such a pure kindness...
Never asking for retributions...
Keeping life of others...

I really admire it...
I wish I could do the same to you...
Illuminate you every second I've got...
With all the best I could afford...

I'm not hoping so much...
I'm not a perfect man...
But please...
Let me be your sun...


Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Pray

Thanks God...

For every obstacles I've passed...
For every sadness I've been through...
For every hardness I've faced...
For every misery, sorrows, troubles against me...


I can be stronger...
I've become more resilient...
I've more patience... 
I can be the way I am now...

I'm really grateful for every bless You gave to me...

The joy...
The blissfulness...
The peace...
The family and people who care to me...

Especially when You send her into my life...

The one who can fill my emptiness...
The one who can cheer me up...
The one who can make me laugh...
The one who I can share with...

And God... 
I really really appreciate it...



hail to technology!!!

Jaman skrng, LDR ud bkn hal yg hrz dihindari...
Asl bs pinter" manfaatin teknologi, jarak ud bkn halangan gie...
Klo pngen bs ngbrol bs sms ato tlpan or chatting...
Pngen lyad muka bs webcaman...
Pling yg kurang cm kehadiaran scr fisik (yg ini kpn br ada teknologi yg bs menyiasati ny iia??? 0_o)...

Ky Qta nich...
Salatiga-Jakarta Qra" 1200km...
Klo naek bus mkn wktu 10-12jm...
Naek kereta 6jm (more or less)...
Naek pesawat 45mnt br nyampe Semarang, lanjud bus 45mnt-1jm...
Jlz bkn jarak yg bs d tempuh bwt malming (niad maw malming, nyampe minggu pagi)...

Jd gini dech...
Pling heboh bs chat smbil tlpan and webcaman...
Apa jd ny Qta klo tnggl d utan???
(Mngkn gaQ mslh kli iia, scr aiiah tngl d gunung aja gaQ mslh)...

Sementara iia Qta cm bs memanfaatkan sebaek"ny hasil dr otak" jeniuz penemu gadget" canggih such as HP and webcam...
Btw syapa iia yg nemuin HP???
Mngkn gw hrz scr pribadi blng makasi...
(masi idup gaQ sich?)...

Sambil sabar" nunggu liburan berikut ny...
Bs gaQ iia kalender d kelir merah, byar libur trz???



Friday, September 17, 2010

luv thiz pic!!!


if only

if today is yesterday...
maybe i wouldn't recognize how much u can understand me...

if today is yesterday...
maybe i still moaning at my dreadful experience...

if today is yesterday...
maybe i will never know that i can do so much wonderful things...

if today is yesterday...
maybe i still crying at my pathetic endless loneliness night...

if today is yesterday...
maybe there's a plentiful anger that i maintained to keep...

but no - thanks God - today is not yesterday...
today, i experienced a tons of  good things...
today, i see a brighter day with a clear thought...
today, i know that there is a place for me to lean on...
today, i know i have U...
today, i know i'm in Love...

dedicated to -one and only- my 'aiiah'...


Coretan perdana dari ayah...